Wednesday 9 August 2023

Thanks Goodness For Commas!

 The weather was quite decent this afternoon which tempted me into taking an after work stroll near my home in Corby Old Village. I chose to wander around the scrubby area near the town's STW though in retrospect I might have seen more if I'd sat in my garden instead! 


Butterflies made up most of my sightings though there was nothing outside the ordinary. many sightings were fleeting with species such as Large White and Red Admiral rushing past but not stopping. Other species that showed but didn't pose included Green-veined White, Common Blue and Gatekeeper. Just as well for me them perhaps that several Commas where more than obliging and showed well in the evening sun. I watched several Migrant Hawkers hunting midges and these were my first of the year, a couple of Brown Hawkers were also seen. Sadly neither species posed for pictures but there's still plenty of time before the season ends. There were no birds of note though I did enjoy watching Blue Tits attempting to catch insects in flight, on this form flycatchers have nothing to fear from the competition!

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