Thursday 10 August 2023

Little Stanion

 Despite my far from thrilling walk yesterday I tried another after work saunter today which took me to the relatively new community of Little Stanion. The weather was warm and sunny when I left my house but got more cloudy as I strolled towards the village. Despite this minor set back I managed to find a few interesting odes to look at around the large pond.

Brown Hawker and Black-tailed Skimmers

Dragons included an ovipositing Brown Hawker and a patrolling male Emperor and there were several Black-tailed Skimmers too. Damsels were a little scarce with a few Common Blues and Blue-taileds around the edges of the pond. These however were overshadowed by my discovery of a female Emerald Damselfly. I tend not to see too many of these so am always happy when I encounter one. Just after finding the Emerald the sun disappeared behind the clouds and I set off for home. My walk back towards the Old Village was enlivened by a couple of Southern Hawkers but there were no butterflies or birds to report.

Blue-tailed Damselfly and Emerald

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