Saturday 12 August 2023

Small Red-eyes

 A cloudy morning with just a few sunny spells greeted me this morning as I made my way to Willowbrook Industrial estate in Corby. I'd rather have caught the bus but a no show on its part meant I had to walk there and back. My idea was to look for migrants with thoughts of Wheatears and Whinchats foremost in my mind but I'm sorry to report that none were on view.

Brown Argus, Gatekeeper and Common Blue.

As is often the case at this time of year it was down to insects to save an otherwise dull day. Brown Argus butterflies appear to be enjoying a good second brood at the moment and at least half a dozen were noted. Also seemingly doing well this year are Gatekeepers and there are still quite a few on the wing, they were joined by several Meadow Browns as well. Only one dragonfly showed here and that was a Common Darter.

Holly Blue and Tufted Duckling

My travels next took me to Weldon where a look at the A43 pond produced a sighting of some Tufted Duck ducklings. This is a regular breeding spot for this species and there appeared to be two broods though only three youngsters seem to have survived. A single Holly Blue was seen and so too was a Blue-tailed Damselfly. My final stop of the day was at the pond in the Woodland Park where a few sunny periods brought a few odes out. Highlights were my first county Small Red-eyed Damselflies of the year which were joined by Red-eyed and Common Blue Damselflies. An Emperor was patrolling the pond and there were a few Banded Demoiselles along the stream.

Small Red-eyed and Red-eyed Damselflies.

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