Wednesday 23 August 2023

A Dip At Pitsford

 Sunday's crew reunited for a visit to Pitsford Reservoir where the targets were any of the Lesser Emperors that have been reported recently. When we first arrived we were greeted by cloudy skies and even a light rain shower - far from promising weather for would be dragonfly spotters! Happily the weather picked up and we were treated to long spells of unbroken sunshine, unhappily we were not treated to any views of Lesser Emperors.

Emperor, Migrant Hawker and Black-tailed Skimmer

Our hike to the Birdclub Hide produced sightings of Common and Ruddy Darters and also a Black-tailed Skimmer while damsels included plenty of Common Blues and a female Banded Demoiselle. Best butterfly was a Small Heath, we didn't see any birds of interest. Our Lesser Emperorless vigil from the hide did add Emperors and Migrant Hawkers to the day list and also Small Red-eyed Damselflies while two Great White Egrets provided the avian highlight. After a couple of hours we threw in the towel and made our way back towards the causeway. On the way Phil found a Small Copper and we also saw a couple of tatty looking Common Blues of the butterfly variety.

Small Heath, Small Copper and Common Blue.

We spent some time on the bank near the moored fishing boats with no success before moving to Goosander Hide. Not much to add from here other than a Brown Hawker and we left soon after. Red Admirals, Commas and a Peacock were nectaring on buddleia next to the car park and they were the last things of interest that we saw before heading back to Corby.

Red Admiral

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