Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Ringlets Holding On

 With the weather finally behaving itself I was tempted into taking an after work stroll around Brookfield Plantation. I stopped at the Peregrine site on my way and was rewarded with views of one before it flew off. A long period of sunshine during my walk through the wood allowed me to catch up with a few insects.

Ringlet and Large Skipper

Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers greeted me on my arrival and there were Common Blues flitting around too. Patches of Ragwort attracted a couple of Large Skippers as well as two Peacocks. A stroll along one of the rides provided views of rather a lot of Speckled Woods but it was the first of two Ringlets that caught me by surprise. I hadn't seen one for about ten days or more and thought they were finished for the year! Several whites were fluttering around but I only identified Green-veined for certain.

Ruddy and Common Darters

The sunshine worked its magic on dragonflies too and I managed to grab shots of both Common and Ruddy Darter. I couldn't achieve the same success with any of the Migrant or Brown Hawkers that were hunting around the plantation as none seemed inclined to settle. At one point I was standing near the entrance and found myself in the middle of about twenty Migrants all hunting at head height or lower. Some passed within inches of my head and I could hear their wings as they flashed past. It's nice when common species can provide such a memorable moment. Not much else to report other than a large mixed flock of tits and others picking their way through the foliage.

Peregrine, Blue and Long-tailed Tit.

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