Sunday 11 June 2023

Priors Hall

 I spent a pleasant morning wandering around Priors Hall where I was grateful to avoid the threatened thunderstorms. No sign of the hoped for Downy Eneralds though there was a reasonable selection of dragons to enjoy.

Dingy Skipper and Small Heath

Best butterflies were Grizzled and Dingy Skipper though another late Orange-tip was welcome too. Birds were a bit thin on the ground with just a Raven to report. Hordes of Four-spotted Chasers were present at all of the ponds and I spent some time watching their antics. Trying to avoid the quarrelsome chasers were Hairy Dragonflies and Emperors while three fresh Black-tailed Skimmers were seen some way from the water. No surprises amongst the damsels with the usual suspects on show including a few Banded Demoiselles which presumably wandered up from Weldon. With the heat becoming a bit oppressive I sought sanctuary in the George where a couple of pints of cider revived me before i went home.

Chaser, skimmer and Bee Orchid.

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