Sunday 18 June 2023


 I trusted the weather forecast way more than I should have and fearing a drenching from the forecast rain stayed close to my house here in the Old Village. My wanderings took me as far as Eurohub where I enjoyed some reasonable weather, some good nature and no rain whatsoever!

Marbled White, Brown Argus and Large Skipper

Not many birds of note were found with a singing Lesser Whitethroat being the highlight. Insects put on a much better show and butterflies in particular featured strongly. My first Marbled Whites of the year were out in force though very flighty and it took some effort and a bit of luck to get a picture. On the subject of pics I was happy to finally get some shots of Large Skippers having struggled with them so far this year. Meadow Browns were present in good numbers and there were smaller quantities of Small Heath, Speckled Wood, Common Blue and a Brown Argus.

Common Blue, Broad-bodied Chaser and Emperor

A Broad-bodied Chaser was perhaps the best dragon and it was joined by Emperors and Four-spotted Chasers as well as a couple of Black-tailed Skimmers. Not too many damsels were noted with just Common Blue and Azures making it on to the list. Other wildlife included some froglets and I also found some Bee Orchids.

Bee Orchid, Whitethroat and Goldfinch

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