Sunday 4 June 2023

More Dipping!

 Another dip in the company of Alan today though this time it was at Glapthorn Cow Pasture where we failed to see Black Hairstreaks. Despite the fine weather butterflies and insects in general seemed to be in short supply. A few Speckled Woods, a Comma and a Red Admiral were the only butterflies while a Hairy Dragonfly and the Common Blue Damselfly represented the odes. Best bird today was a Nightingale which was heard singing for a brief stretch of time while a Cuckoo was also heard.

Speckled Wood and White-legged Damselfly.

Our attempts to catch up with White-legged Damselflies at Deenethorpe met with success as we managed to find two. Other species included Banded Demoiselles and Large Red Damselflies along the stream. Not too many butterflies around other than a few Orange-tips and a Green-veined White though day flying moths included Mother Shipton and Small Yellow-underwing. 

Mother Shipton and Small Yellow-underwing.

A stop at Gretton Weir added more White-legged Damselflies to our tally and also Blue-tailed Damsel to the day list. Dragons here were a male Emperor, Hairy and also a Four spotted-Chaser. Best butterflies were a few Small Heaths while the only birds of note were a Kingfisher and a Cuckoo. Last stop of the day was in Corby where one of the local Peregrines was on view and there was also a Broad-bodied Chaser.

Peregrine and Buzzard.

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