Tuesday 8 November 2022

Morning Stroll

 I'm on the pm shift at work this week which gave me enough time to have a walk around the area near the STW. A mild south westerly wind and some sunny spells made for a pleasant stroll and I saw a few interesting things too which is always nice.


A Grey Wagtail passed overhead as I walked through the village, I could just about hear it over the noise of the traffic. My arrival at the STW was marked by a croaking Raven which took off from one of the pylons before flapping away. Small numbers of Redwing are feeding on this year's crop of haws and another sign of autumn was a flock of about sixteen Teal on the ponds. Causing a brief disturbance amongst the passerines was a male Sparrowhawk which flew through quickly. Several Redpolls were present in the general area while a small number of Siskins were also noted. One small trace of the summer past was a Peacock butterfly which was basking on fallen leaves before I disturbed it.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

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