Sunday 20 November 2022

Darters Dally

 It was nice to see some sunshine today on my walk in the Weldon area having endured several days of the wet stuff recently. I didn't venture any further than Priors Hall but still managed to catch up with a few interesting things.

Drake Wigeon and female Stonechat

My first stop was at the A43 pond where a drake Wigeon was only my second record at this site. Willowbrook Industrial Estate hosted a female Stonechat which was presumably one of the pair that appear to be wintering in the area. The south gullet at Priors Hall was quiet though the quarry lake did have three Pochards, another drake Wigeon and several Teal present.

Common Darters

A sustained sunny spell at the ponds at Priors Hall tempted over ten Common Darters out, it was good to know that some survived last week's rain. Even better was a sighting of a single male Migrant Hawker which though not photographed was my latest ever. Another insect active in the autumnal sunshine was a Peacock which matched the antics of most of its ilk by not hanging around to pose for pics! Not many birds to report though Siskins and Redwings were present in reasonable numbers.

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