Saturday 5 November 2022

Drizzly Saturday

 A grey and often wet Saturday which if not quite a damp squib provided no fireworks either. My ambitions were limited and I ventured no further than the ridge between Gretton and Rockingham taking in Brookfield Plantation on the way. 

Brookfield on the outward leg of my stroll was busy with tit flocks and a single Siskin. Near the flooded quarry I saw a Redpoll and there were several Bullfinches feeding on dried blackberries. Numbers of winter thrushes are on the rise with Fieldfares now beginning to make their presence felt, a flock of fifty plus passed overhead. On the edge of the private wood a large flock of Siskins were noted and another Redpoll was seen. Returning through the plantation produced a sighting of my first Woodcock of the autumn, Brookfield is a reliable spot to find wintering birds. No sign of any Peregrines at their usual spot today suggesting that they may have been off hunting somewhere.

No pictures today, poor light and dampness plus a lack of interesting subjects being the reason.

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