Wednesday 9 November 2022

Eurohub Excursion

 Another pre work stroll today and as I had to go to Tesco anyway I decided to have a look around the Eurohub. Conditions were similar to yesterday and once again I managed to see a few interesting bits and bobs.

Willow Emerald.

Best bird was a Raven croaking away somewhere nearby and a Grey Wagtail was heard as it passed over. Several Redpolls were also noted, they were probably attracted by the many birches in the area. In a repeat of yesterday a Peacock was discovered but unlike yesterday it settled briefly, too briefly for me to get a snap sadly. Some time was spent checking waterside vegetation for Willow Emeralds despite it being pretty early in the morning. Luckily my optimism was rewarded when I discovered a male warming itself up on one of the Hawthorns. With the damsel in the bag I decided that I couldn't put that shopping off any longer and headed off to jostle with the masses.

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