Friday, 1 July 2022

Thank Fox It's Friday

 An after work jaunt to Harry's Park Wood produced a variety of interesting stuff and that despite the now normal sunny spells and showers kind of situation that we're all becoming so familiar with. I didn't have a lot of time available to play with as I had arranged a meal with my wife but what time I did have was put to good use.

Valezina form of Silver-washed Fritillary and White Admiral.

My first Silver-washed Fritillary of the year almost collided with my belly as it sped past, quite how it managed to miss seeing it earlier is quite beyond me! Although I didn't manage any pictures of the quicksilver male I had more fortune with a Valezina form female at the Old Dry Bushes end of the wood. Luck favoured me again when I found a male Purple Emperor on the path, he looked as if he had been in the wars a little but didn't appear to be suffering too much from his brush with peril. Nearby a White Admiral was found nectaring on bramble blossoms completing my trio of summer specialities. There were plenty of other commoner species of butterflies on the wing this afternoon of which the best were several Large Whites.

Purple Emperor.

My first Brown Hawkers of the year were the pick of the wood's dragonfly population, at least four were on the wing and I was fortunate when one posed on the trunk of a pine tree. Other species in the general area included Emperors, a Black-tailed Skimmer and Common Blue Damselflies. There were no interesting birds to report and the best of the other wildlife was a fox which I sneaked up on. This skinny looking individual was too busy trying to find food to take notice of me and I managed a few half decent pics before it padded off down one of the rides.

Brown Hawker and Red Fox.

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