Today's weather forecast seems to have been more of a flight of fancy from some optimist at the BBC weather department rather than a genuine attempt to predict the conditions. The promised mix of sunny spells actually amounted to a muggy but overcast afternoon with even the odd spot of rain to contend with. Deceived somewhat by that dratted forecast I took an afternoon wander down to the pond in the Woodland Park at Weldon hoping to encounter some odes.
Three for the price of one, Small Red-eyed, Azure and Common Blue Damselflies. |
Despite the less than favourable weather there was plenty of damselfly activity to enjoy as they responded to the heat if not the sunshine. Lots of Small Red-eyeds were showing and these included many ovipositing pairs. Plenty too of their larger cousins though the Red-eyeds preferred to keep station on lily pads. Other species noted were Common Blue, Blue-tailed and Azure while the few dragons on the wing were Emperor, Brown Hawker and Black-tailed Skimmer. Commonest butterfly was Gatekeeper and keeping it company were Ringlets, Meadow Browns, Large Skipper and a few whites.
A short stroll along the stream produced the hoped for Banded Demoiselles suggesting that some at least survived the pollution that affected the stream during the winter. Still no sign of White-leggeds sadly but they may still recolonise.
Banded Demoiselle. |
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