Monday 4 July 2022

Morning Sun

 A lovely spell of early sunshine tempted me into taking a pre work stroll around the grassland near Eurohub. Nothing too exciting to report but it was still enjoyable nonetheless.

Small Skipper and Comma.

As is often the case at this time of the year it was brown butterflies ruling the roost with good numbers of Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Meadow Browns on the wing. Plenty of little skippers whizzing about with all the ones that I managed to check being Small. Other species flitting around the area included Small and Large White, Comma and Small Tortoiseshell. The only dragon today was a female Emperor taking a breather in some long grass while damsels included Red-eyed. Most interesting insect was a hornet mimic hoverfly Volucella nectaring on bramble blossoms. Several Fallow Deer were flushed up from a bed of thistles and the best bird was Redpoll.

Emperor and volucella hoverfly.

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