Wednesday 29 June 2022

Happy Birthday!

 Wild Northamptonshire is celebrating its fifth birthday today and it's hard to believe that time has passed so quickly. Five years since I started this affront to the English language and natural history photography and I'm afraid there's oodles more to come. There's plenty more news to share from this fine county and those other places not so blessed and I look forward to doing it. In the meantime here are a few pictures from the last five, hope you enjoy.

Swallowtail, Purple Emperor, Marsh and Heath Fritillaries.

As well as butterflies I've manage to see a good selection of the UK's dragon and damselflies, some of of my favourites appear below.

Club-tailed Dragonfly, White-faced Darter, Scarce Blue-tailed and Dainty Damselflies.

Finally a selection of bird images including one from Spain, they're fairly representative of the quality of some of my pics too!

Collared Pratincole, Black-browed Albatross, Roller and Grey Phalarope.

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