Friday 8 July 2022

Loosing Streak

 During the past week Alan Shorrock photographed a Black Hairstreak along the old Kettering Road near Great Oakley. While I used to visit this area on a regular basis I hadn't for twenty or more years and this seemed like a good excuse to renew my acquaintance. The weather looked set fair and after a bus ride and a stroll I eventually reached the site just after ten this morning.

Gatekeeper and Large White

I walked up and down the road several times and did not see any hint of hairstreaks of any hue and indeed butterflies in general appeared to be in fairly short supply. Commonest were the regular browns with Ringlet and Meadow Brown outnumbering everything else. A few Gatekeepers were seen while a single Speckled Wood was also noted. Highlight was a male Silver-washed Fritillary which didn't land but was still a welcome addition to my day list. Large White numbers continue to increase and they were joined by Small and Green-veined. My list here was completed by a Small Tortoiseshell, a Comma and several Large Skippers.

Southern Hawker and Essex Skipper

Very little other wildlife to report, a Southern Hawker was the only dragon and there were few birds or mammals about. As I had a bit of time left before my return bus I checked the nearby Great Oakley Meadow reserve where an Essex and several Small Skippers showed.

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