Sunday 6 June 2021

White Legs

 Not the best of weather for insect watching today so I restricted my travels to the local area splitting my time between Weldon and Priors Hall. The morning was for the most part dry if rather cloudy though this gave way to showery spells which brought an end to my spotting.

White-legged Damselfly and Banded Demoiselle

Beginning at the stream in Weldon I found a small number of Banded Demoiselles and Blue-tailed Damselflies while the nearby woodland park added Azure and Common Blue Damselflies to my list. Moving on to the pocket park brought a sighting of my first White-legged Damselfly of the year and also an immature male Broad-bodied Chaser.

Broad-bodied Chasers

At Priors Hall both Small Heath and Common Blue butterflies had increased while Dingy Skippers appeared to be going the other way. Not many other species of butterflies were noted other than a few whites and several Speckled Woods. During a few brief sunny spells I noted decent numbers of both Four-spotted Chasers and Hairy Dragonflies though I still haven't managed a shot of the latter yet. No surprises among the damsels though a couple of wandering Banded Demoiselles were my first at Priors this year. A rain shower brought an end to the proceedings and I headed off home.

Small Heath and Common Blue

Few birds to report with the highlight being a female Cuckoo which I guess was probably checking out Reed Warbler nests. Other wildlife seen included Common Lizard and Brown Hare.

Four-spotted Chaser.

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