Tuesday 1 June 2021

Dovedale Dippers

 My brother and I took an after work walk along the river only this time we ventured a little further than I would normally do on a week night as our river of choice was the Dove in Derbyshire's bit of the Peak District. Braving the masses of people infesting the spot we eventually found a quiet area where there was at least a chance of encountering some wildlife.

Dovedale and Brimstone

After a distinctly unpromising start we had good views of a male Grey Wagtail deftly plucking mayflies and other insects out of the air before returning to its mid river perch. After a couple of conclusive but brief views of Dippers we were eventually rewarded with sustained and good views of a single bird feeding in the river. After a ten minute spell the bird flew up stream but not before I had had some of my best views ever of this charismatic species. Braving the crowds once more we returned to the car before making the trip home. Not much other wildlife was noted other than a male Brimstone but that was scarcely surprising given the levels of disturbance. Despite the excellent Dipper views it may well be a long time before either of us ventures to this very popular spot again.

Grey Wagtail and Dipper

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