Wednesday 9 June 2021

A Pair Of Shorts

 I had the day off work today but due to family commitments couldn't spent my time peeking at nature. What I did manage was a couple of short walks, one to Brookfield Plantation and the other to the town's STW. Our recent good run with the weather continued and there was plenty of sunshine and blue skies to enjoy.

Peregrine and Speckled Wood.

Brookfield was quiet, there were several small family parties of both Long-tailed and Coal Tits roaming around while Goldcrests appear to be having a good season. Only two damsels were noted, Large Red and Common Blue while the only butterflies noted were Speckled Woods. A trio of Fallow Deer were seen briefly on two occasions crashing through the undergrowth as they made good their escape. On my way home I checked on the local Peregrines to find two in residence while a Common Blue butterfly was seen at Willowbrook Industrial Estate.

Large Red and Azure Damselflies

Av afternoon stroll along to the STW yielded a few sightings of note but not the hoped for Green Hairstreaks. Very few butterflies were present on site, there were a few Common Blues and a FFTY Brown Argus of which I managed one record shot. Checking the ponds resulted in the discovery of a large colony of Azure Damselflies. Despite having been a regular visitor to this spot for many years I was unaware that they were here. Other odes seen were Large Red and Blue-tailed damselflies and a male Broad-bodied Chaser.

Common Blues and Brown Argus

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