Monday 14 June 2021

Starling No Show Strikes A Bit Of A Blow

 My brother and I made a failed attempt to see the Rosy-coloured Starling which has been frequenting Clifford Hill for the last couple of days. We put plenty of time in looking for this colourful visitor but had to admit defeat after a couple of hours. Especially galling was finding out that someone was taking pictures of the bird during the time that we were there! Oh well we win more than we lose so can't really complain overly much.

A resolutely unrosy Starling!

Before the unfortunate dipping incident I paid a visit to Weldon where odes were my main targets. Highlight was a small number of immature and one adult male White-legged Damselfly at the pocket park. There were plenty of Banded Demoiselles sharing the same streamside habitat and I also noted a Large Red Damselfly and a few Common Blues. The only butterfly of note seen today was a Red Admiral while a Grey Wagtail was the best bird.

Four-spotted Chaser and Red-eyed Damselflies

A short walk brought me to the pond in the woodland park where I enjoyed a pleasant hour or so of watching. Two species of dragon were seen and these were Four-spotted Chaser and Emperor. Plenty of damsels were on the wing with Red-eyeds much increased since my last visit. Other species present in good numbers included Azure and Common Blue with a few Blue-taileds for company. I might have stayed a little longer had I not had that dippy appointment with a certain exotic feathered visitor - a shame it didn't repay my efforts but what can I do?

Teneral and mature male White-legged Damselflies.

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