Saturday 1 May 2021

Where The @//!! Is Piddington?

 An after work twitch today to the hitherto unknown village of Piddington where someone had  found a couple of Dotterels. Having only seen them in the county once before at Polebrook Airfield I was delighted when my brother agreed to take a trip (no pun intended!). Fortune favoured us and we were lucky enough to catch up with a male and female feeding in a field next to the airstrip.

Dotterel record shots.

Although the birds were quite distant they showed well through the scope and looked very smart in their breeding plumage as they fed quite actively at times. I wasn't the only person attempting to take a record shot as a file of admirers passed through. We were lucky enough to see a Wheatear too but we clearly didn't look hard enough as up to eight were observed by other watchers. With the wind feeling decidedly chilly and feeling content with our views we left the birds to their business. One thing is for sure, I won't have to ask where Piddington is again!

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