Monday 3 May 2021


 Just a brief outing today and only as far as Priors Hall, I felt like a break after what has been a fairly busy couple of days. While I didn't see too much to report I did at least manage to avoid the forecasted rain. After what seems like a very dry April I'm sure the countryside could do with a bit of a drenching though I for my part was more than happy to avoid it!

Here be dragons...just not today sadly!

With the weather being far from insect friendly I had to concentrate my efforts on other wildlife. A Brown Hare was seen near the large pond where it did well to avoid the attentions of a Fox. Not too many interesting birds about though a Grasshopper Warbler was a welcome record. A single Sedge warbler added its voice to the many Reeds and there was a healthy sounding population of Garden Warblers. Not much was seen in the quarry though a single Little Egret was quite a rare visitor at this time of the year. On my way home through Weldon I heard a Lesser Whitethroat singing near the woodland park.

Canada Geese

While my damselfly finding attempts have been less than inspiring Alan Shorrock has met with some success finding a teneral Large Damselfly at Priors Hall yesterday. The little beggars are out there somewhere, it's just a question of finding them!

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