Thursday 6 May 2021

Reddy, Steady Go!

 I'd hoped that I might be able to get over and see the Wryneck which has been present at Borough Hill for the last few days after I finished work this afternoon. Sadly there was to be no high jynx for me as this relatively long staying goodie decided to do a bunk prompting a change of plan on my part. With a little bit of sunshine on offer I took the shorter trip  down to Weldon where I hoped once again to see a damselfly or two.

At last! Female Large Red Damselfly.

My walk along the stream failed to deliver the goods and that may well have been down to a chilly north wind blowing across the area. The area around the nearby pond was much more sheltered and i was a little more optimistic as I strolled around. Peering intently at the vegetation finally brought a reward when I sighted a female Large Red Damselfly - an overdue but very welcome sighting! I've never had to wait this long before for a first confirmed damsel or dragon of the season but this Spring has been very cold indeed. Hopefully with the weather set to warm up a tad this tardy pioneer will soon be joined by many more. Not much else to report, a Lesser Whitethroat was singing near the pond and an Orange-tip represented the best of a meagre haul of butterflies.

Male Orange-tip.

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