Friday 30 April 2021

Close...But Not Quite Close Enough!

 In a desperate attempt to see damselflies before the end of the month I took an after work stroll along the stream at Weldon. My efforts came frustratingly close to success as I had sightings of two shiny winged tenerals but my views were so brief I couldn't identify them. Given that no amount of swearing could make them either stop or reappear my first records of any species will have to wait until May - hopefully this Sunday!

Little Gull and Stonechat.

Hardly any butterflies were noted at either Weldon or on a stop near the STW and all of the wildlife highlights were birds. Weldon hosted two Lesser Whitethroats and a singing Sedge Warbler while the area near the STW provided views of a Garden Warbler. No photos today so I've included a couple from recent days out.

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