Friday 28 May 2021

It's Beginning To Look More Promising!

 Having arrived back in Northants much earlier than I expected I used the extra time to good effect by heading over to Barnwell CP. Although it was a little cloudy at times there was enough sunshine to tempt a few insects out and I managed to see some odes as well as a few butterflies.

Four-spotted Chaser, Common Blue and Variable Damselflies

Three species of dragonfly were noted and of these two, Scarce Chaser and Hairy Dragonfly, were my first of the year. Unfortunately neither stayed around for pics but a Four-spotted Chaser did oblige. Of the seven species of damselfly showing a Common Blue was another year first. More interesting perhaps were a male and a female Variable Damselfly which were different individuals to the two seen on my previous visit. I'm hoping that this is proof that there is a small but viable breeding population here. Commonest damsel were the many Banded Demoiselles flitting around, at least a hundred were noted. Also present in growing numbers were Azure and Red-eyed Damselflies while I noted two each of both Large Red and Blue-tailed.

Banded Demoiselle, Large Red and Blue-tailed damsels

A small selection of butterflies were noted though I was largely in ode mode and some probably passed by unnoticed. Those that were seen included Orange-tips, Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell and a Peacock. I didn't pay too much attention to birds but a singing Cuckoo was heard near to Barnwell Lock.

Azure and Red-eyed Damselflies

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