Saturday, 15 May 2021

Damp Squib?

 On my extra day off today I took the bus over to Earls Barton from where I walked along the Nene to Summer Leys. My stroll was blighted to a degree by some persistent if rather light rain and a lack of much to see. One benefit that the rain did bring was a reduction in the number of people wandering about which meant that I could take shelter in the hides without neglecting any social distancing responsibilities.

Redshank and Oystercatcher

First bird of note was a male Cuckoo calling near Mill Lake where I suspect the local Reed Warblers might wish he moves on before finding a mate. A singing Cetti's Warbler was the first of several noted and there seemed to be a decent sized population of Garden Warblers too. Not too much else was seen before here and the reserve, a large flock of Swallows feeding just above the water of Hardwater Lake being the pick.

Common Tern and Chiloe Wigeon/Crested Duck hybrid

Summer Leys was rather dull, a single Common Sandpiper was the only passage wader, I had hoped that the weather might drop something more interesting in. The scrape had high water levels though this didn't appear to effect the local Redshanks as at least three pairs were showing. A single Yellow Wagtail appeared briefly adding a welcome dash of colour to the proceedings. My stroll back along the old track added a dodgy looking wigeony type duck that seemed to include at least some Chiloe in it but there was not much else. Despite the disappointing haul I was still pleased with my visit and in particular the large number of Swifts feeding over the site.

Green Woodpecker and Whitethroat

My return walk added a drake Shoveller which had appeared on Hardwater Lake in the company of two Little Egrets. Mill Lake added a nice little flourish as I passed by with up to five Hobbies hawking insects over the water. I spent almost an hour watching these dashing falcons deftly plucking small insects out of the air before transferring them from their talons to their beaks. Hopefully the weather's going to improve before too long and provide them with some more substantial fare. Having left Earls Barton behind I made a brief stop at Kettering where I was lucky enough to catch up with one of the local Peregrines.


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