Tuesday 13 April 2021

Sunlit Stroll

 It was pleasant enough today to tempt me into taking a stroll after work to see if any butterflies were braving this chilly snap that we're currently enduring. I didn't go too fat though and settled for a walk around the scrubby bit near the STW.

Peacock, Comma and Small Tortoiseshell

To a soundtrack of Chiffchaff and Blackcap songs I checked the spots usually favoured by early flying butterflies and was lucky enough to find a few. Commonest were Peacocks with at least six flitting around and they included a couple nectaring on willow flowers. Singles of both Comma and Small Tortoiseshell were also noted, not a great haul perhaps but I was just pleased to say any butterflies at all after the unwelcome return to frost and snow. Temperatures are due to rise so hopefully more species will appear again and who knows? Perhaps that first damselfly of the year might put in an appearance - fingers crossed!

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