Monday, 17 February 2020

Quiet Monday

I'd originally hoped to return to Wellingborough to have a look at Chester House Lake but the likelihood of floodwater blocking the path seemed too high. Instead I reverted to my usual Monday routine and popped over to Oundle and Barnwell CP. Many of the riverside paths here were underwater so I had to adjust my normal walk to take into account the squelchy conditions.

High water levels around Oundle.

Barnwell had only just opened again having been closed due to the high winds from Storm Dennis's visit. A Mistle Thrush was singing as I arrived, these birds were apparently once called Stormcocks by some so the recent weather must have suited them very well indeed. Song Thrushes were in full voice too as the feint promise of the coming Spring causes more and more birds to sing. In terms of interesting birds if not in terms of volume the park was very quiet, passerines were probably trying to shelter from the blustery winds. One species that did appear to enjoy the conditions was Red Kite, they seem to relish these windy days.

Mistle Thrush and Dunnock.

A look at the church failed to produce a sighting of Peregrine though a local told me that it tends to avoid the steeple when winds are high. My final port of call was the greatly expanded floods near to the A605 where the normal selection of ducks were on view but little else. Accepting that it wasn't going to be my day I decided to head off and catch my bus home.

Goldfinch, Blue Tit and Shovellers.

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