Sunday 16 February 2020

Dodging Dennis

Back to UK birding today and it's safe to say that conditions were a bit more challenging as the might of storm Dennis struck. The threat of heavy rain in tandem with strong gusts meant that anywhere with shelter seemed to be a good idea and so Alan Shorrock and I opted for Rutland Water. Driving through Willowbrook Industrial Estate on our way to the res provided a view of a Peregrine as it headed off to bother the pigeons at the flour mill. A bit of flooding on the road prevented us from getting to the Egleton reserve and so we visited the one at Lyndon instead.


The feeders in front of the closed visitor centre were attracting a good selection of birds and these included two Tree Sparrows. Nearby at Teal Hide a small number of Goldeneyes were joined by a pair of Goosanders. Other birds were visible more distantly and it was among these that another birder picked out the long staying Red-necked Grebe. With views ranging from poor to awful it will hardly go down as one of my best sightings but still good to see nonetheless.

Tufted Duck and Goldeneye

While walking along to one of the other hides the promised rain began to fall and stayed falling for the rest of our stay. Great White Egrets appear to like Rutland Water very much these days so it was no surprise to see four or five from here though they were all very distant. Not a whole lot else to report, we left without seeing much more.


Great Crested Grebe and Mallard

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