Saturday 1 February 2020

Back To The Leys

A day off work and the promise of some half decent weather was reason enough to brave the X4 again and head over to Earls Barton. My plan was to walk along the Nene to Summer Leys while checking the neighbouring Mill and Hardwater lakes along the way.

Mill Lake had plenty of Tufted Ducks as seems to be usual for here and also good numbers of Shoveller. A male Stonechat showed fairly well near Hardwater Lake where there was little else to view.

Grey Heron and Great White Egret.

Summer Leys was packed with birds but there was not too much quality backing up the quantity. Two Great White Egrets, one on the main lake and one on Mary's were the highlights but of course these birds are not quite the draw that they used to be. I spent some time at the feeders hoping for views of the regular Brambling but it didn't put in an appearance while I was there.  Walking back along the river failed to produce much else of interest, two singing Cetti's Warblers being the best.

Stonechat, Song Thrush and Great Tit.

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