Thursday 8 August 2019

Quickie at Weldon

Just had time after work for a visit to Weldon to take advantage of the nice weather before the forecast dross sets in over the next couple of days. Nothing too windswept or interesting to report though it was a nice enough stroll all the same.

The pond at Weldon.

Damselfly numbers seem to be on the wane now though Small Red-eyeds remain very common around the pond and Banded Demoiselles remain common along the stream. Other species seen today were Red-eyed, Blue-tailed and Common Blue while a short visit to the stretch of stream nearest the church produced two male White-leggeds.

Brown Hawker and Black-tailed Skimmer.

Commonest dragon was Brown Hawker, at least three ovipositing females and a patrolling male were noted. Three male Black-tailed Skimmers and one each of Common and Ruddy Darter and a male Emperor completed the list.

Ruddy Darter and White-legged Damselfly.

Not many butterflies were seen, highlight was several Painted Ladies.

Painted Lady and Swallow.

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