Friday 23 August 2019

A Halt to the Summer Whine

I had no reason to moan about indifferent weather today as it moved firmly into "Phew what a scorcher" territory. Such nice weather prompted an after work sortie to Weldon where I continued my Willow Emerald dipping exploits.

Ruddy and Common Darters.

Thankfully there were a few dragons and damsels to enjoy with Common and Ruddy Darters being the most numerous dragons. Other species showing were singles of Emperor, Migrant and Southern Hawker and several Brown Hawkers. Red and Small Red-eyed  remain fairly numerous on the pond though their numbers are dropping. A single Common Blue and several Blue-tailed were outshone by two male White-legged Damselflies, this species is always scarce around Weldon though this year has seen one of their best showings. Commonest ode today was Banded Demoiselle which enjoyed their best day of the Summer so far with fifty plus along the stream, hopefully they will stay active for a good few weeks yet.

Banded Demoiselle and White-legged Damselfly.

Not too many butterflies seen today, singles of Red Admiral and Painted Lady were joined by a couple of Gatekeepers, some Small Whites and a Small Heath.

Small Heath

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