Tuesday 27 August 2019


Last day of the late summer heat wave and the last day of my three day weekend too. Not for the first time on a Monday I opted to go over to Barnwell CP where once again I hoped to see the increasingly less elusive Willow Emeralds. For the third time in as many days my luck was in as I found a couple of males in vegetation next to Mill Lake. I'd been standing on the pond dipping platform hoping that some of the patrolling male Migrant Hawkers might settle when first one then two appeared. They were in view for about five minutes before disappearing though they gave some nice views during their brief stay. To make matters even better several of the Migrants did land and I was able to get some pics.

Willow Emeralds.

Commonest of the damsels on site were Small Red-eyeds with many seen around Mill and North Lake. A few of their larger cousin Red-eyed were also seen and they were joined by Common Blue, Blue-tailed and a couple of female Banded Demoiselles. The previously mentioned Migrant Hawkers were the commonest species though there were quite a few Brown Hawkers too. Other dragons seen were Common and Ruddy Darter and a single male Black-tailed Skimmer.

Migrant Hawker and Ruddy Darter.

Not too many butterflies were found today with Small Whites the most numerous, a few Speckled Woods and a Common Blue were the only other species noted. A Kingfisher was the only other wildlife of interest, for the first time in many visits I didn't see any Mandarins.

Small Red-eyed Damselfly.

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