Not for the first time in recent weeks the weather was less than ideal with breezy conditions and cloudy periods having an affect on the wildlife. It took some time before things got going but the day was by no means a total failure and I caught up with some decent stuff.
Small White and Gatekeeper. |
I began at Bears Lane in Weldon before taking the public footpath across the fields to Deenethorpe Airfield. Despite the rather stiff breeze there was a good variety of butterflies on the wing (and in some cases sheltering amongst vegetation) and numbers of Small Whites were high. A few Green-veined Whites were also observed and there were still a few Gatekeepers around. At the airfield itself a late and tatty Silver-washed Fritillary was found and so too was the first of at least half a dozen Painted Ladies. My first Small Heaths of the day were also found here, there were plenty more at Priors Hall a little later on.
Small Heath and Silver-washed Fritillary. |
Around Deenethorpe village itself I saw Holly Blue and the first of many Meadow Browns while a first dragonfly in the shape of a Common Darter put in an appearance. Just a little further on a Banded Demoiselle was seen near the stream. Deene Lake inflow had two Green Sandpipers at the Wheelie Bin Triangle but water levels are quite high here and little else was noted. The main lake had no birds of note but there was a little more damsel and dragon activity. Ruddy and Common Darters were joined by a female Black-tailed Skimmer and damsels added to the list were Common Blue and Blue-tailed. In the village itself there was a Comma in the churchyard where it was joined by half a dozen Small Tortoiseshells and there was a Red Admiral in one of the gardens.
Common and Ruddy Darters. |
There followed a bit of a dull spell as I made my way along Kirby Lane but a little flowery patch had attracted some butterflies of interest which in turn attracted me. A pristine Brown Argus contrasted with a Small Skipper which looked to be on the way out and I also saw my first Common Blues of the day. Priors Hall delivered more interesting stuff and a late Ringlet was my seventeenth butterfly species of the day. New dragons seen were a few Brown Hawkers and singles of Southern and Migrant Hawker. The latter rather frustratingly landed but took to the air again before my camera would focus. Two male Black-tailed Skimmers were holding territories around the ponds while the pick of the damsels on view were three Emeralds, I couldn't find any Willows.
Black-tailed Skimmer and Emerald. |
Other wildlife seen but not photographed today included two Common Lizards at Deenethorpe Airfield and another at Priors Hall. Mammals noted were Fallow Deer and Brown Hare at Priors Hall while birds here included a Hobby and a Mandarin Duck.
Ringlet and Holly Blue. |
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