Monday 5 November 2018

No Fireworks.

Mist ruled the roost this morning until the sun eventually managed to burn it off leaving a very pleasant day indeed. As has become the norm of late I popped over to Oundle where I took a stroll along the river before heading into Barnwell CP.

Fieldfare and Redwing.

Although there was a good selection of the commoner birds around there was very little of interest to report and I spent most of my time trying to photograph those that were showing. Plenty of Fieldfares and Redwings about today while Siskins continue to feature strongly. Not much Kingfisher activity around the park though several were seen as they flew along the river.

Blue and Great Tits, Chaffinch and Magpie.

The sunshine was warm enough to tempt a couple of Common Darters out, it's always nice to continue the season into November, what chance one in December?

Common Darter and Grey Squirrel.

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