Friday 27 October 2017

Not Bad for October

The weather as the title suggests really was pretty decent for the time of year with lots of sunshine and cracking blue skies. Couldn't resist the chance to have a quick look at the pond near Eurohub on the way to buy some essentials (beer mostly) in Tesco.
Common Darters.

More Siskins passing overhead which hints that this winter will be much better for them than last. Buzzards seem to be active at the moment too, I don't know if it's wandering immatures looking for a territory or perhaps there's some migration going on. Away from birds at least half a dozen darters were active around the pond, well I say active they were mainly basking, and I'm hoping that I may get some county November records. It would be nice if this weather continued but the forecast seems to say that Sunday is going to be a little on the chilly side.

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