Thursday 12 October 2017

Doughty Dame Demoiselle's Demise Delayed

An after work visit to Weldon once again in order to check on whether any Banded Demoiselles were still active. I was successful but only just, a relatively brief glimpse of a female was the only sign. She fluttered rather weakly from one part of a nettle patch into another but must have went deep into cover as she effectively disappeared. I hung around for quite a while hoping that some warm spells of sunshine might tempt her out but my cunning plan did not quite pan out. Some warm weather is forecast for the weekend and this might offer one last throw of the Demoiselle dice.

On the pond a female Migrant Hawker was watched through reeds as she oviposited but was too obscured to photograph. A rather cold looking Peacock did hang around long enough for a snap and even opened its wings briefly at one point. Not much else to report though a tit flock moving around the area did contain a couple of Marsh Tits.

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