Friday, 6 October 2017

Dem Again.

Back down to Weldon for a post walk stroll, well the sun was shining and I fancied another look for Bandeds just in case. Heading straight for the favoured spot from Monday I was a little dismayed to see that someone had taken a strimmer to the nettle beds, I'd put my thickest jeans on in case I had to wade through them but clearly they were unnecessary.
Still going strong, male and female Banded Demoiselles.

I got a brief glimpse of a male but it was gone before I could take a picture and no amount of swearing could tempt it back. Luckily for me I then found a female on the opposite bank of the stream to me but she was at least fairly obliging. After a couple of minutes she opened her wings and began to vibrate them, a sign that she was cold? While attempting to get a slightly closer picture I found myself slipping down the bank and doing some involuntary splits. Apart from ripping my jeans in a potentially embarrassing place I disturbed what was likely to have been a second male. He was more accommodating than the first, I managed a few pictures before he fluttered weakly off. Three Banded Demoiselles on the 6th of October, I wish I could extend that date even further into the month but it could be next weekend before I can visit again.

A Comma butterfly posed on a bramble, basking in the late afternoon sunshine, and there was an adult Mute Swan on the pond in the company of half a dozen Mallards. I looked for more dragons but could not find any more and so headed off home.
Mute Swan.

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