Sunday, 1 October 2017

Barnwell Birds

I had wanted to pop over to Weldon and have a look to see whether any Banded Demoiselles were still around but poor conditions made that an unlikely prospect. Plan B in this case was a trip over to Oundle and then to take a walk along the Nene.
View of Ashton Mill from across the river.

Things were very quiet along the river and for much of the time I found myself looking at Mallards, Moorhens and the odd Cormorant. A look around Ashton Mill and its surroundings did at least turn up a first Cetti's Warbler for what feels like months but highlights were few and far between. Around the marina the family party of Egyptian Geese were still present and a small party of Swallows passed over, I'd already picked out a few Meadow Pipits. Several singing Chiffchaffs may have been migrants or were perhaps birds looking to winter in the area.
Egyptian Goose doing a spot of maintenance.

Barnwell CP was busy with parents and dog walkers and I spent much of my time here sitting in Lowlands Hide from where a selection of passerines were seen around the feeders. This is a good spot for photographing Nuthatches and they did not let me down with at least two coming down to feed. A single Marsh Tit made a fleeting visit, too fast for photography though a procession of Great and Blue Tits were more accommodating. At least half a dozen Chaffinches were feeding on the ground, most appeared to have the foot condition that seems to affect this species. I don't know how detrimental this is to the long term health of an infected bird but they seemed to be able to behave normally.

A selection of images taken from Lowlands Hide, Barnwell.

The Mandarins were still in their usual spot but once again were well tucked away, a minimum of three were present but there could have been more hiding away. For the first time in ages Kingfishers proved to be difficult to find with only a single bird being heard.
Chaffinch showing the condition that affects their feet.

Not much other wildlife on view today with just a Small White and a Migrant Hawker to report.

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