Friday 28 July 2017

Surprise Tern of Events

A doctor's appointment meant a trip to the Lakeside Surgery which at least gave me the chance to have a walk around the boating lake. Cloudy conditions ruled out any chance of dragonfly watching and I had to be content with looking at the birds. The big news here was my first sighting of a boating lake Common Tern, while I'm aware of at least one previous record from this location I hadn't been able to catch up with any before. The bird was present for at least quarter of an hour before it gained height and departed. I was able to take a couple of record shots of this historic occasion though none were that sharp. Common Tern remains a very scarce passage migrant in the town despite them breeding as near as Eyebrook reservoir. Nothing else of note was observed but that was hardly a shock given the time of year.
My first Common Tern at Corby's boating lake.

Another view.

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