The reason for our visit, a Heath Fritillary. |
The subject of further debate. |
Or was it? When I came to review my pictures last Friday (the TV was dire) I noticed a couple of details that didn't quite fit Migrant and so I did a little bit of research. First off I put the pictures on several forums hoping for expert advice, my enthusiasm far exceeds my knowledge. Then while I waited for any response I began to trawl the net reading everything I could find and looking at every picture. The result of all this fuss and kerfuffle? Another new species for the day to go with the frit, a Southern Migrant Hawker.
A crop of S1 and S2 showing the face like pattern and the hat like marking. |
This species is slowly colonising Britain at the moment with most of the small population being centred on Essex including (though I didn't know this at the time) Hockley Wood. While the date was early for Migrant even in a year when many species were a little early it does fall right at the start of SMH's flight season. The individual in the photo was a very immature male and had probably only emerged that morning which meant that its markings had not yet fully developed. Both species have a face like marking on the second segment of the abdomen, the "nose" on Migrant is rather thin and resembles a golf tee while SMH's is a thicker inverted triangle. The first segment on Migrant is plain whereas SMH has a marking which to my eyes at least looks like a hat. Another feature of Migrant which SMH does not show is a pair of thick stripes on the sides of the thorax. sadly I have no comparison photos of Migrant to show but there are many on the web.
We're on safer ground here, a Southern Hawker. |
Several people offered their advice and knowledge during this process and they included a fellow from the British Dragonfly Society who serves as their migrant dragonfly officer. As a result of their input I feel I can confidently claim my first SMH though I'll probably want to see one of the more mature males as they're an attractive species.
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