Saturday, 8 July 2017

Churrr the one that I want.

My brother and I make a visit every Summer to a spot in Norfolk where we often enjoy good views of Nightjar. This time around we went a little earlier just in case any Black Darters were about, they weren't but at least we saw sundews, a plant that neither of us see that regularly. As the numerous midges were proving a little too irritating we headed off to a local eatery before returning at sunset for our hunt.
A view across the site

There were rather a lot of folks out tonight looking for the Nightjars and none of us were to be disappointed. The first churring could be heard from just before quarter to ten while the first flight calls followed soon after. A first view of a distant bird was followed by much a closer one and an obliging male landed in a small tree and began to churr. From then onwards two birds in particularly showed very well, it was still early enough to see some colours on the birds while the white on the wings and tail showed very well against dark backgrounds.
Sundews appeared to be quite common

As it got darker there was even more activity and at one point a bird delighted its fans by flying a tight circle around our little group. I picked out three birds tail chasing low over the heather as sightings continued to mount and we also heard out first wing clapping. By ten the light had deteriorated but it's hard to leave when the birds are this active and so we stayed for a little longer. Eventually we had to pull ourselves away as it got darker still and with that evocative call still ringing in our ears that was that, well until next year of course!
Time for the fun to start!

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