Monday 29 April 2024

Better Than Yesterday

 There was enough sunshine once I'd finished work to persuade me to chance a trip down to Weldon. My attempts to add to this year's ode list came to nothing as I couldn't find any along the stream or around the pond at the woodland park. Unlike yesterday I did see a couple of things that were at least vaguely interesting and I even took a couple of pictures. 

Tadpoles, G-v White and Green Carpet.

A Sedge Warbler was singing from the reeds at the pond where there were also good numbers of tadpoles in the shallows, I heard a Kingfisher too but didn't manage to catch a glimpse. It was quite breezy and this may have explained why I didn't see many butterflies, two Green-veined Whites were all that I managed to find. One final sighting of note was a Green Carpet moth, apparently they're a common species but I  can't remember seeing one before and they're a very attractive species too

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