Saturday 6 April 2024

A Familiar Ring To It

 Strong southerly winds dominated proceedings in the Nene Valley today which coupled with long periods of sunshine made for a warm day. Alan Shorrock and I divided our time between Stanwick Lakes and Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows enjoying a rather slow day in the process.

Speckled Wood

There was not that much in the way of birds at Stanwick, Alan picked out a Swallow but I couldn't get on it. Flooded paths restricted access to some parts of the site though we managed to visit most of the lakes. During sunnier spells a few butterflies braved the blustery conditions with the highlight being my first Speckled Wood of the year which Shozzer found near the reproduction iron age houses. Other species included a few Brimstones, a Peacock and two unidentified whites.

Ring-necked Duck

Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows were quiet too and the only real bird of note was the female Ring-necked Duck on Cotton Reel Lake. If this is the bird that visited Titchmarsh this year then it's the third time that I've seen it in 2024. It was good to get some reasonable views too and I managed a few record shots which are probably my best yet of this bird. Few other birds to report while butterflies though scarce included a few Peacocks and two male Orange-tips. Having given up on the nature spotting we headed off to the Coach and Horses again, it's a nice way of bringing any birding day to a close.

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