Sunday, 21 April 2024

That's Not A Siberian Hamster!

 As I mentioned in my previous post our hotel was home to a variety of interesting wildlife but one incident above all others sticks in my mind and that for all the wrong reasons too. I thought that if you don't mind I might share my experience with you now. It does not feature one of the most interesting or even one of the most appealing of animals but it certainly provided more than a little excitement!

My wife and I had returned to our room after an evening meal and were sitting at the dining table chatting away and enjoying a drink whilst playing a few hands of cards. Our friendly competition was however brought to an abrupt halt when the skittering sound of claws drew our attention to a scuttling rat making its way from the bathroom and into the kitchen. The reaction of my wife went from being stunned, or perhaps it was more horrified, before provoking an unrepeatable and absolutely unprintable outburst. I hastily grabbed my shoes and set off to find some staff, I'm no fan of UB40 and I'm fairly certain too that I wouldn't be looking for rat recipes even if I was!

The staff in the restaurant looked somewhat aghast when I reported my wildlife sighting and suggested a trip to reception might be in order which is where I duly headed. Another look of shock crossed the receptionist's face as I repeated my news. She informed me that a man would be dispatched with due haste and that I should return to the room and await his arrival. Now I was expecting at the very least a professional varmint vanquisher with a mouse trap in one hand and at least a small calibre pistol clutched in the other. What I didn't expect to see were two fellas that looked as if they were from the hotel's security team and who appeared to have no way whatsoever of dealing with any unwelcome rodent even if they managed to find it. With a certain amount of miming and a smattering of basic Spanish I showed them where the rat had run to and watched on as they set about their task. One moved the fridge rather speculatively while the other revealed way too much of his Calvin Kleins as he knelt down to peer under the cupboards. I suspect that it was with a sense of relief that they failed to find our visitor and they wasted no time in pointing out their discovery to me. Our would be rat routers seemed smugly satisfied with their feeble efforts and left to presumably report their achievements back to reception.

My wife unsurprisingly was unimpressed with the efforts of Los Chuckle Brothers and I was despatched once again to see reception, there was no way she was going to share her room with any cousin of Basil! I informed the same woman that our furry interloper was still at large and that we would require a change of accommodation. To her credit she arranged this with haste but at no point did she apologise for what I assumed (or rather hoped) was an isolated event. Within an hour of first spying ratty we were settled in our new and hopefully vermin free abode - I don't mind watching wildlife but it's no where near as much fun when it comes to pay you a house call!

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