Saturday 2 March 2024

Damp Start To Spring

 I awoke to some decent sunny conditions but such early promise soon disappeared to be replaced by some grey and showery stuff that was much less enjoyable. I did a spot of local birding today though in truth I could have stayed at home, early March is really not the best time for nature watching!

Great Crested Grebe

I began by looking at  the quarry lake, Priors Hall where a Great Crested Grebe was the best bird, they're a site rarity and this was only my second sighting here. In the South Gullet a quartet of Redpolls were noted while the North Gullet hosted another Redpoll and a few Siskins. Willowbrook was quiet, there were plenty of singing Skylarks but not a great deal else. With the rain showers increasing in both frequency and length my enthusiasm waned to the point where I gave up and headed home.

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