Saturday, 30 March 2024

Blue Skies, Grey Plover

 A true taste of spring today with plenty of sunshine and some pleasantly warm conditions to enjoy as Alan Shorrock and I took a stroll around the reserve at Summer Leys. While the focus was mainly on birds a decent selection of butterflies were also on view. My main target was the Grey Plover which has been here for a couple of days and I'm happy to say that we managed to see it without too much effort.

Grey Plover and Redshank

We began by taking a look from Rotary Hide where there was not that much to see. It was a similar situation from Pioneer where water levels on the scrape are once again a little on the high side. On my walk towards Paul Britten Hide I heard my first Blackcaps of the day, there were at least five and probably more on the reserve today. The Grey Plover showed distantly from next to the double decker hide from where a Little Ringed was also noted. From the hide itself a trio of Snipe were seen as well as a good number of Redshanks.

Little Ringed Plover and Snipe

Next to Mary's Lake we found our first butterflies of the day with two Peacocks and a Comma nectaring on Blackthorn blossom. A male Brimstone, the first of at least half a dozen today, made a brief flypast. None of the Brimstones seemed inclined to settle as they sped around in search of females. We walked from here to near the Sand Martin bank where we were treated to some better views of the Grey Plover. On the way back towards Mary's Lane a male Orange-tip was my first of the year and it obligingly settled to give us a chance to take some pics.

Peacock and Comma

We spent some time looking for a reported Black-tailed Godwit without any success but I was able to see my first Small and Green-veined Whites of the year as well as another Orange-tip. With six species of butterflies on the wing it was far and away my best day of the year so far and I'm looking forward to many more like it. With the wildlife watching coming to an end we paid a repeat visit to the Coach and Horses in Wellingborough - a couple of pints and a bowl of scratchings is a very good way to finish a day!

Orange-tip and Green-veined White

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