Wednesday 3 January 2024

Skin Of The Teeth

 While I was amusing myself in the company of Smews on New Year's Day Alan Shorrock was out looking for Waxwings in the Corby area. It's safe to say that his efforts were successful as he found four at Priors Hall from a viewpoint on Parkview Road which overlooks the South Gullet. Since then the birds have proved to be a  bit of a draw with birders and photographers and they have obligingly hung around there since their discovery.


An annual blood test and the continuing monsoon prevented me from popping over yesterday and my first opportunity to see them came this afternoon after work. Alan was good enough to give me a lift and luckily the rain that drenched me on my walk home from work had all but stopped by the time we reached Priors. It didn't take long to find the birds though there were only three by now, the fourth appears to have disappeared. I watched them for all of two minutes before they flew off towards the golf course, presumably to roost - talk about good timing! I chatted with Phil Rogers for a little bit before the gathering gloom turned our attentions to home. Alan saw a Stonechat while he was there but I didn't manage to see it, you can't win them all.

The berry munching competition!

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