Sunday, 14 January 2024

Load Of Rubbish

A late start this morning which at least meant that I missed most of the frost before I set off for Brookfield Plantation in Corby. I did consider paying a call on Alan's Waxwings that are staying loyal to Priors Hall and would no doubt have looked stunning in the morning sunshine but as I'd already seen the Fab or Fantastic Four several times before I opted to look for my own stuff. (I'm guessing it depends on whether you're a superhero nerd or music fan that decides what you call them!).


On my way to the plantation I checked a few spots in Willowbrook Industrial Estate for Waxwings but couldn't find any. More success attended my visit to the local Peregrines as I managed to see both the male and female. It's been a while since I last caught up with these birds so it was good to reacquaint myself with them. Brookfield turned out to be fairly quiet, the only birds of note were Siskins, Marsh Tit and some Teal which flew up from several of the ponds. A herd of about fifteen  Fallow Deer ran across one of the rides but were too quick for me to photograph.

Rook and Raven

On my walk home I stopped at Napier Road to see if I could find any Stonechats - I couldn't! While here I noticed a large gathering of gulls and corvids drawn to a large skip outside one of the industrial bakeries. The cronking call of a Raven had me looking skywards and I took a photo of what turned out to be a Rook. The Raven was hanging around the skip with a few Carrion Crows while several curious Red Kites also drifted overhead, I'm not sure whether bread scraps would be to their taste. One of three Buzzards attracted some unwelcome attention from a crow before it drifted off towards Brookfield. Having resolved to pop in again on my next trip to the area I decided to call it a day and head for home.
Buzzard and Red Kite

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